Friday, July 10, 2009

What i must to do now?

I'm so bored in here,reallyyyyyyyyy and I wanna beat up someone:(
I stuck in here with its extreme loneliness,and now my mind full of yelling.My momo(I call my father with this freakin' nickname) was going to do his own-business,and my dunds(my mother,exactly!) doing her beauty activity at home.
And now I'll search my own business,and here I am,with my routine.Twittering,blogging,chating,in the morning.Right,so poor.
Now,for twice I stuck and faced this pc with silence,but still wondering what I must to do.And I'll start type some words in my blog.At the same time,I found yummy recipe from google;How to make a homemade pizza.Great xp
I wanna share this 'do-it-now' recipe with you.
Making pizza from scratch, at home, isn’t really as hard as you might think—and once you learn just a few secrets about how to make a great pizza crust, you might never want to “order in” again!
First, there is the matter of a recipe for pizza dough. Most of them call for very similar ingredients, basically water, yeast, oil, and flour.
Some have a little more oil, some use less oil and add an egg. Whichever recipe you use, making the pizza dough goes fairly quickly and doesn’t need to rise for hours like bread dough.

- 3 roti pizza ukuran sedang

- 1 sendok makan mentega/margarin

- 3 sendok makan saus tomat

- 3 tomat, iris bulat ukuran 1/2 cm

- 2 paprika hijau, iris bulat ukuran 1/2 cm

- 2 bawang bombay, iris bulat ukuran 1/2 cm

- 5 lembar daging sapi asap, potong kasar

- 150 gram keju mozarella

Cara membuat:

- Olesi tiap roti pizza dengan sebagian mentega

- Olesi di atasnya dengan sebagian saus tomat.

- Susun secara berselang-seling tomat, paprika hijau, dan bawang bombay

- Letakkan daging sapi asap di atasnya.

- Tutup bagian atas dengan keju mozarella

- Panggang dalam oven hingga matang dan kering, angkat, sajikan.

Let's enjoy your own pizza ;p

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